In the afternoon, I went with nine other librarians-to-be to an optional visit to the Royal Geographical Society and their library. I had forgotten how fascinating I find the history of exploration! The librarian who lead our tour was extremely knowledgeable about the plethora of memorabilia located throughout the building. Did you know, for example, that when David Livingstone died in Africa, his companions mummified him so that they could get his body back to England for burial? And, in mummifying him, they removed his heart, buried it under a tree, and carved a grave-marker of sorts into the tree bark? Yeah, the grave-marker piece of that tree trunk is located in the RGS. I saw it.
I just had a short time between returning from the RGS and meeting some librarian friends for dinner. Having enjoyed ourselves so much last time, we ventured out for Indian food again. This time we headed to a place on the other side of the Thames; it did not disappoint. And, despite the cloudy skies, the walk back to the flats was very nice!

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